Package tf2-som

tf2-som is a fast Tensorflow 2 implementation of the Self Organizing Maps (SOM).


Installing tf2-som

pip3 install tf2-som

Importing tf2-som

import tf_som


🔗 Click there


Expand source code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2022 CNRS/LPSC
# Author: Jérôme ODIER (jerome.odier@lpsc.in2p3.fr)
#         Nora ACHBAK (nora.achbak@lpsc.in2p3.fr)
# Repositories: https://gitlab.in2p3.fr/jodier/tf2_som/
#               https://github.com/odier-xyz/tf2_som/
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide an
# implementation of the Self Organizing Maps (SOM).
# This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
# modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-C
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "http://www.cecill.info".
# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
# knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.

""".. include:: ../docs/header.md

## Package **tf2-som**

**tf2-som** is a fast Tensorflow 2 implementation of the Self Organizing Maps (SOM).

<img src="som.png" alt="som" height="250" />

### Installing **tf2-som**
pip3 install tf2-som

### Importing **tf2-som**
import tf_som

### Demo
[🔗 Click there](https://github.com/odier-io/tf2-som/blob/master/demo/demo.ipynb)

### Authors
- [Jérôme ODIER](https://annuaire.in2p3.fr/4121-4467/jerome-odier) ([CNRS/LPSC](https://lpsc.in2p3.fr/))
- [Nora ACHBAK](https://annuaire.in2p3.fr/7591-10426/nora-achbak) ([CNRS/LPSC](https://lpsc.in2p3.fr/))


import os
import json
import tqdm
import typing


import numpy as np

import tensorflow as tf


with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'metadata.json'), 'r') as f:

    metadata = json.load(f)

    __credits__ = metadata['credits']

    __version__ = metadata['version']

    __author__ = ', '.join(['{} ({})'.format(x[0], x[1]) for x in zip(metadata['author_names'], metadata['author_emails'])])


def setup_tensorflow_for_cpus(num_threads: int = None) -> None:

    """Setups Tensorflow 2 for CPU parallelization.

    num_threads : int
        Number of threads or **None** to let the system choose (default: **None**).


    # noinspection PyBroadException



        if num_threads is None:

            import multiprocessing

            num_threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count()









def normalize(df: typing.Any, dtype: type = np.float32) -> typing.Any:

    """Returns the normalized Pandas data frame.

    df : pandas.DataFrame
        Pandas data frame.
    dtype : type
        Neural network data type (default: **numpy.float32**).

    result = df.copy()

    for i in df.columns:

        max_value = df[i].max()
        min_value = df[i].min()

        result[i] = (df[i] - min_value) / (max_value - min_value)

    return result.astype(dtype)


def _asymptotic_decay(epoch: int, epochs: int) -> float:

    return 1.0 / (1.0 + 2.0 * epoch / epochs)


class BMUs(object):

    __pdoc__ = False

    """Best Matching Units"""

    def __init__(self, indices: np.ndarray, locations: np.ndarray):

        #: Array of indices
        self.indices: np.ndarray = indices

        #: Array of locations
        self.locations: np.ndarray = locations


class SOM(object):

    """Tensorflow 2 implementation of the Self Organizing Maps (SOM)."""


    def __init__(self,
                 m: int, n: int, dim: int,
                 seed: float = None, dtype: type = np.float32,
                 learning_rate: float = None, sigma: float = None, epochs: int = 100, decay_function = _asymptotic_decay):

        """Initializes a Self Organizing Maps.

        A rule of thumb to set the size of the grid for a dimensionality reduction
        task is that it should contain \\( 5\\sqrt{N} \\) neurons where N is the
        number of samples in the dataset to analyze.

        m : int
            Number of neuron rows.
        n : int
            Number of neuron columns.
        dim : int
            Dimensionality of the input data.
        seed : int
            Seed of the random generators (default: **None**).
        dtype : type
            Neural network data type (default: **np.float32**).
        learning_rate : float
            Starting value of the learning rate (default: 0.3).
        sigma : float
            Starting value of the neighborhood radius (default: \\( \\mathrm{max}(m,n)/2 \\)).
        epochs : int
            Number of epochs to train for (default: 100).
        decay_function : function
            Function that reduces learning_rate and sigma at each iteration (default: \\( 1/\\left(1+2\\frac{epoch}{epochs}\\right) \\)).


        self._m = m
        self._n = n
        self._dim = dim
        self._seed = seed
        self._dtype = dtype
        self._decay_function = decay_function




        self._learning_rate = 0.3 if learning_rate is None else dtype(learning_rate)
        self._sigma = max(m, n) / 2.0 if sigma is None else dtype(sigma)


        self._epochs = abs(int(epochs))


        self._two = tf.constant(2.00e+00, dtype = dtype)

        self._epsilon = tf.constant(1.00e-20, dtype = dtype)

        self._sqrt_two = tf.constant(1.42e+00, dtype = dtype)


        self._weights = np.empty(shape = (self._m * self._n, self._dim), dtype = self._dtype)

        self._quantization_errors = np.empty(shape = (self._epochs, ), dtype = self._dtype)
        self._topographic_errors = np.empty(shape = (self._epochs, ), dtype = self._dtype)


    def _rebuild_topography(self):

        self._topography = tf.constant(np.array(list(self._neuron_locations(self._m, self._n))))


    def _neuron_locations(m: int, n: int) -> typing.Iterator[typing.List[int]]:

        for i in range(m):

            for j in range(n):

                yield [i, j]


    def _argsort_n(x: tf.Tensor, n: int) -> tf.Tensor:

        if n > 1:
            return tf.nn.top_k(tf.negative(x), k = n).indices
            return tf.expand_dims(tf.argmin(x, axis = 1), axis = 1)


    def __find_bmus(weights: typing.Union[tf.Variable, tf.Tensor], input_vectors: tf.Tensor, n: int = 1) -> tf.Tensor:

        # COMPUTE DISTANCE SQUARES                                                                                     #

        distance_squares = tf.reduce_sum(
                    tf.expand_dims(input_vectors, axis = 1),
                    tf.expand_dims(weights, axis = 0)
            axis = 2

        # COMPUTE INDICES                                                                                              #

        return tf.transpose(SOM._argsort_n(distance_squares, n))


    def _find_bmus(self, weights: typing.Union[tf.Variable, tf.Tensor], input_vectors: tf.Tensor, n: int = 1) -> typing.List[BMUs]:

        result = []

        for bmu_indices in self.__find_bmus(weights, input_vectors, n):

            bmu_locations = tf.gather(self._topography, bmu_indices)

            result.append(BMUs(bmu_indices, bmu_locations))

        return result


    def _train(self, weights: tf.Variable, input_vectors: tf.Tensor, epoch: int) -> None:

        # BEST MATCHING UNITS                                                                                          #

        bmus = self._find_bmus(weights, input_vectors, n = 2)

        # LEARNING OPERATOR                                                                                            #

        decay_function = self._decay_function(epoch, self._epochs)

        current_learning_rate = tf.cast(self._learning_rate * decay_function, dtype = self._dtype)
        current_radius        = tf.cast(self._sigma         * decay_function, dtype = self._dtype)


        bmu_distance_squares = tf.reduce_sum(
                    tf.expand_dims(self._topography, axis = 0),
                    tf.expand_dims(bmus[0].locations, axis = 1)
            axis = 2


        neighbourhood_func = tf.exp(tf.divide(
            tf.negative(tf.cast(bmu_distance_squares, self._dtype)),
            tf.multiply(self._two, tf.square(current_radius))


        learning_rate_op = tf.multiply(neighbourhood_func, current_learning_rate)

        # WEIGHT(EPOCH + 1)                                                                                            #

        numerator = tf.reduce_sum(
                tf.expand_dims(learning_rate_op, axis = -1),
                tf.expand_dims(input_vectors, axis = +1)
            axis = 0

        denominator = tf.expand_dims(tf.reduce_sum(learning_rate_op, axis = 0), axis = -1) + self._epsilon


        weights.assign(tf.divide(numerator, denominator))

        # QUANTIZATION ERROR                                                                                           #

        self._quantization_errors[epoch] = tf.reduce_mean(
                    tf.gather(weights, bmus[0].indices)
                axis = 1
            axis = 0

        # TOPOGRAPHIC ERROR                                                                                            #

        t = tf.greater(
                    tf.cast(bmus[1].locations, dtype = self._dtype),
                    tf.cast(bmus[0].locations, dtype = self._dtype)
                axis = 1

        self._topographic_errors[epoch] = tf.divide(
            tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(t, dtype = self._dtype)),
            tf.cast(tf.shape(input_vectors)[0], dtype = self._dtype)


    def _dataset_to_generator(dataset):

        return dataset if callable(dataset) else lambda: (dataset, )


    def train(self, dataset: typing.Union[np.ndarray, typing.Callable], chunk_size: int = None, reset_weights: bool = True, show_progress_bar: bool = True) -> None:

        """Trains the neural network. A batch formulation of updating weights is implemented: $$ \\mathrm{bmu}(x)=\\underset{i}{\\mathrm{arg\\,min}}\\lVert x-w_i\\rVert $$ $$ n_j=\\sum_{x\\in\\mathcal{D}}\\left\\{\\begin{array}{ll}1&\\mathrm{bmu}(x)=j\\\\0&\\mathrm{otherwise}\\end{array}\\right. $$ $$ \\Theta_{ji}(e)=\\alpha(e)\\cdot\\exp\\left(-\\frac{\\lVert j-i\\rVert}{2\\sigma^2(e)}\\right) $$ $$ \\boxed{w_{i\\,\\mathrm{new}}=\\frac{\\sum_{j=1}^{n}n_j\\Theta_{ji}(e)x_j}{\\sum_{j=1}^{n}n_j\\Theta_{ji}(e)}} $$ where, at epoch \\( e \\), \\( \\alpha(e)=\\alpha_0\\mathrm{decay\\,function}(e) \\) is the learning rate and \\( \\sigma(e)=\\sigma_0\\mathrm{decay\\,function}(e) \\) is the neighborhood radius.

        dataset : typing.Union[numpy.ndarray, typing.Callable]
            Training dataset array or generator.
        chunk_size : int
            Chunk size or **None** to disable batch (default: **None**).
        reset_weights : bool
            Specifying whether the weights have to be reset (default: **True**).
        show_progress_bar : bool
            Specifying whether a progress bar have to be shown (default: **True**).

        .. NOTE::
            A dataset generator is a **yield** generator returning numpy arrays.

        .. NOTE::
            Setting the **reset_weights** variable to **False** allows to update a pre-trained model (= progressive training).


        weights = None


        if reset_weights and self._seed is not None:

            np.random.seed(self._seed + 0x000000000000)

            tf.random.set_seed(self._seed + 0x000000000000)


        dataset_generator = SOM._dataset_to_generator(dataset)


        for epoch in tqdm.tqdm(range(self._epochs), disable = not show_progress_bar):

            for dataset_part_number, dataset_array_np in enumerate(dataset_generator()):

                # DEFAULT CHUNK SIZE                                                                                   #

                if chunk_size is None:

                    chunk_size = dataset_array_np.shape[0]

                # INITIALIZE WEIGHTS                                                                                   #

                if epoch == 0 and dataset_part_number == 0:

                    if reset_weights:

                        rand_weights_np = np.empty(shape = (self._m * self._n, self._dim), dtype = self._dtype)

                        l1 = rand_weights_np.shape[0]
                        l2 = dataset_array_np.shape[0]

                        for i in range(l1):

                            j = np.random.randint(l2)

                            rand_weights_np[i] = dataset_array_np[j]

                        weights = tf.Variable(rand_weights_np, dtype = self._dtype)


                        weights = tf.Variable(self._weights, dtype = self._dtype)

                # TRAIN THE SELF ORGANIZING MAP                                                                        #

                dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(tf.constant(dataset_array_np, dtype = self._dtype))

                for chunk in dataset.shuffle(dataset_array_np.shape[0]).batch(chunk_size):

                    self._train(weights, chunk, epoch)


        self._weights = weights.numpy()


    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    def save(self, filename: str, file_format: str = 'fits', extra: typing.Dict[str, np.ndarray] = None) -> None:

        """Saves the trained neural network to a file.

        filename : str
        file_format : str
            File format (supported formats: (fits, hdf5), default: fits).
        extra : dict
            Dictionary of extra (name, array) entries.

        if extra is None:

            extra = {}

        # FITS FORMAT                                                                                                  #

        if file_format == 'fits':

            from astropy.io import fits

            hdu0 = fits.PrimaryHDU()

            hdu1 = fits.ImageHDU(data = self.get_centroids())

            hdu2 = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(fits.ColDefs([
                fits.Column(name = 'quantization_errors', format = 'D', array = self._quantization_errors),
                fits.Column(name = 'topographic_errors', format = 'D', array = self._topographic_errors),

            hdu0.header['lrate'] = self._learning_rate
            hdu0.header['sigma'] = self._sigma
            hdu2.header['epochs'] = self._epochs

            fits.HDUList([hdu0, hdu1, hdu2] + [fits.ImageHDU(name = name, data = data) for name, data in extra.items()]).writeto(filename, overwrite = True)

        # HDF5 FORMAT                                                                                                  #

        elif file_format == 'hdf5':

            import h5py

            with h5py.File(filename, 'w') as file:

                file.attrs['lrate'] = self._learning_rate
                file.attrs['sigma'] = self._sigma
                file.attrs['epochs'] = self._epochs

                file.create_dataset('weights', data = self.get_centroids())
                file.create_dataset('quantization_errors', data = self._quantization_errors)
                file.create_dataset('topographic_errors', data = self._topographic_errors)

                for name, data in extra.items():

                    file.create_dataset(name, data = data)



            raise ValueError('invalid format `{}` (fits, hdf5)'.format(file_format))


    def load(self, filename: str, file_format: str = 'fits') -> None:

        """Loads the trained neural network from a file.

        filename : str
        file_format : str
            File format (supported formats: (fits, hdf5), default: fits).

        # FITS FORMAT                                                                                                  #

        if file_format == 'fits':

            from astropy.io import fits

            with fits.open(filename) as hdus:

                self._m, self._n, self._dim = hdus[1].data.shape

                self._learning_rate = hdus[0].header['lrate']
                self._sigma = hdus[0].header['sigma']
                self._epochs = hdus[2].header['epochs']

                self._weights = hdus[1].data.reshape((self._m * self._n, self._dim)).astype(self._dtype)
                self._quantization_errors = hdus[2].data['quantization_errors'].astype(self._dtype)
                self._topographic_errors = hdus[2].data['topographic_errors'].astype(self._dtype)

        # HDF5 FORMAT                                                                                                  #

        elif file_format == 'hdf5':

            import h5py

            with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as file:

                self._m, self._n, self._dim = file['weights'].shape

                self._learning_rate = file.attrs['lrate']
                self._sigma = file.attrs['sigma']
                self._epochs = file.attrs['epochs']

                self._weights = np.array(file['weights']).reshape((self._m * self._n, self._dim)).astype(self._dtype)
                self._quantization_errors = np.array(file['quantization_errors']).astype(self._dtype)
                self._topographic_errors = np.array(file['topographic_errors']).astype(self._dtype)



            raise ValueError('invalid format `{}` (fits, hdf5)'.format(file_format))




    def distance_map(self) -> np.ndarray:

        """Returns the distance map of the neural network weights."""


        centroids = self.get_centroids()


        result = np.full(shape = (centroids.shape[0], centroids.shape[1], 8), fill_value = np.nan, dtype = self._dtype)

        ii = 2 * [[0, -1, -1, -1, 0, +1, +1, +1]]
        jj = 2 * [[-1, -1, 0, +1, +1, +1, 0, -1]]

        for x in range(centroids.shape[0]):

            for y in range(centroids.shape[1]):

                w_2 = centroids[x, y]

                e = y % 2 == 0

                for k, (i, j) in enumerate(zip(ii[e], jj[e])):

                    if 0 <= x + i < centroids.shape[0]\
                       and                            \
                       0 <= y + j < centroids.shape[1]:

                        diff_w_2_w_1 = w_2 - centroids[x + i, y + j]

                        result[x, y, k] = np.sqrt(np.dot(diff_w_2_w_1, diff_w_2_w_1.T))

        result = np.nansum(result, axis = 2)

        return result / result.max()


    def get_weights(self) -> np.ndarray:

        """Returns the neural network weights (shape = [m * n, dim])."""

        return self._weights.reshape((self._m * self._n, self._dim))


    def get_centroids(self) -> np.ndarray:

        """Returns of the neural network weights (shape = [m, n, dim])."""

        return self._weights.reshape((self._m, self._n, self._dim))


    def get_quantization_errors(self) -> np.ndarray:

        """Returns the quantization errors (one value per epoch). $$ c_1=\\mathrm{1^\\mathrm{st}\\,bmu}=\\underset{i}{\\mathrm{arg\\,min}_1}\\lVert x-w_i\\rVert $$ $$ \\boxed{e_Q=\\frac{1}{\\mathcal{D}}\\sum_{x\\in\\mathcal{D}}\\lVert x-w_{c_1}\\rVert^2} $$"""

        return self._quantization_errors


    def get_topographic_errors(self) -> np.ndarray:

        """Returns the topographic errors (one value per epoch). $$ c_n=\\mathrm{n^\\mathrm{th}\\,bmu}=\\underset{i}{\\mathrm{arg\\,min}_n}\\lVert x-w_i\\rVert $$ $$ t(x)=\\left\\{\\begin{array}{ll}1&\\lVert c_1-c_2\\rVert>\\sqrt{2}\\\\0&\\mathrm{otherwise}\\end{array}\\right. $$ $$ \\boxed{e_t=\\frac{1}{\\mathcal{D}}\\sum_{x\\in\\mathcal{D}}t(x)} $$"""

        return self._topographic_errors


    def winners(self, dataset_array: np.ndarray, chunk_size: int = None, locations: bool = False, show_progress_bar: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:

        """Returns a vector of best matching unit indices or locations for the given input.

        dataset_array : numpy.ndarray
            Dataset array.
        chunk_size : int
            Chunk size or **None** to disable batch (default: **None**).
        locations : bool
            Get winner locations instead of indices (default: **False**).
        show_progress_bar : bool
            Specifying whether a progress bar have to be shown (default: **False**).


        if chunk_size is None:

            chunk_size = dataset_array.shape[0]


        weights = tf.constant(self._weights, dtype = self._dtype)


        i = 0

        if locations:

            result = np.empty((dataset_array.shape[0], 2), dtype = np.int64)

            for chunk in tqdm.tqdm(tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(tf.constant(dataset_array, dtype = self._dtype)).batch(chunk_size), disable = not show_progress_bar):

                result[(i + 0) * chunk_size: (i + 1) * chunk_size] = tf.gather(self._topography, self.__find_bmus(weights, chunk, 1)[0])

                i += 1


            result = np.empty((dataset_array.shape[0], ), dtype = np.int64)

            for chunk in tqdm.tqdm(tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(tf.constant(dataset_array, dtype = self._dtype)).batch(chunk_size), disable = not show_progress_bar):

                result[(i + 0) * chunk_size: (i + 1) * chunk_size] = self.__find_bmus(weights, chunk, 1)[0]

                i += 1


        return result


    def activation_map(self, dataset: typing.Union[np.ndarray, typing.Callable], chunk_size: int = None, show_progress_bar: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:

        """Returns a matrix containing the number of times the neuron (i, j) have been winner for the given input.

        dataset : typing.Union[numpy.ndarray, typing.Callable]
            Dataset array or generator.
        chunk_size : int
            Chunk size or **None** to disable batch (default: **None**).
        show_progress_bar : bool
            Specifying whether a progress bar have to be shown (default: **False**).

        .. NOTE::
            A dataset generator is a **yield** generator returning numpy arrays.


        dataset_generator = SOM._dataset_to_generator(dataset)

        weights = tf.constant(self._weights, dtype = self._dtype)

        result = np.zeros(shape = (self._m * self._n), dtype = np.int64)


        for dataset_part, dataset_array_np in enumerate(dataset_generator()):


            if chunk_size is None:

                chunk_size = dataset_array_np.shape[0]


            for chunk in tqdm.tqdm(tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(tf.constant(dataset_array_np, dtype = self._dtype)).batch(chunk_size), disable = not show_progress_bar):

                for bmu_index in self.__find_bmus(weights, chunk, n = 1)[0]:

                    result[bmu_index] += 1


        return result.reshape(self._m, self._n)



def setup_tensorflow_for_cpus(num_threads: int = None) ‑> None

Setups Tensorflow 2 for CPU parallelization.


num_threads : int
Number of threads or None to let the system choose (default: None).
Expand source code
def setup_tensorflow_for_cpus(num_threads: int = None) -> None:

    """Setups Tensorflow 2 for CPU parallelization.

    num_threads : int
        Number of threads or **None** to let the system choose (default: **None**).


    # noinspection PyBroadException



        if num_threads is None:

            import multiprocessing

            num_threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count()







def normalize(df: Any, dtype: type = numpy.float32) ‑> Any

Returns the normalized Pandas data frame.


df : pandas.DataFrame
Pandas data frame.
dtype : type
Neural network data type (default: numpy.float32).
Expand source code
def normalize(df: typing.Any, dtype: type = np.float32) -> typing.Any:

    """Returns the normalized Pandas data frame.

    df : pandas.DataFrame
        Pandas data frame.
    dtype : type
        Neural network data type (default: **numpy.float32**).

    result = df.copy()

    for i in df.columns:

        max_value = df[i].max()
        min_value = df[i].min()

        result[i] = (df[i] - min_value) / (max_value - min_value)

    return result.astype(dtype)


class BMUs (indices: numpy.ndarray, locations: numpy.ndarray)
Expand source code
class BMUs(object):

    __pdoc__ = False

    """Best Matching Units"""

    def __init__(self, indices: np.ndarray, locations: np.ndarray):

        #: Array of indices
        self.indices: np.ndarray = indices

        #: Array of locations
        self.locations: np.ndarray = locations

Instance variables

var indices

Array of indices

var locations

Array of locations

class SOM (m: int, n: int, dim: int, seed: float = None, dtype: type = numpy.float32, learning_rate: float = None, sigma: float = None, epochs: int = 100, decay_function=<function _asymptotic_decay>)

Tensorflow 2 implementation of the Self Organizing Maps (SOM).

Initializes a Self Organizing Maps.

A rule of thumb to set the size of the grid for a dimensionality reduction task is that it should contain 5\sqrt{N}neurons where N is the number of samples in the dataset to analyze.


m : int
Number of neuron rows.
n : int
Number of neuron columns.
dim : int
Dimensionality of the input data.
seed : int
Seed of the random generators (default: None).
dtype : type
Neural network data type (default: np.float32).
learning_rate : float
Starting value of the learning rate (default: 0.3).
sigma : float
Starting value of the neighborhood radius (default: \mathrm{max}(m,n)/2).
epochs : int
Number of epochs to train for (default: 100).
decay_function : function
Function that reduces learning_rate and sigma at each iteration (default: 1/\left(1+2\frac{epoch}{epochs}\right)).
Expand source code
class SOM(object):

    """Tensorflow 2 implementation of the Self Organizing Maps (SOM)."""


    def __init__(self,
                 m: int, n: int, dim: int,
                 seed: float = None, dtype: type = np.float32,
                 learning_rate: float = None, sigma: float = None, epochs: int = 100, decay_function = _asymptotic_decay):

        """Initializes a Self Organizing Maps.

        A rule of thumb to set the size of the grid for a dimensionality reduction
        task is that it should contain \\( 5\\sqrt{N} \\) neurons where N is the
        number of samples in the dataset to analyze.

        m : int
            Number of neuron rows.
        n : int
            Number of neuron columns.
        dim : int
            Dimensionality of the input data.
        seed : int
            Seed of the random generators (default: **None**).
        dtype : type
            Neural network data type (default: **np.float32**).
        learning_rate : float
            Starting value of the learning rate (default: 0.3).
        sigma : float
            Starting value of the neighborhood radius (default: \\( \\mathrm{max}(m,n)/2 \\)).
        epochs : int
            Number of epochs to train for (default: 100).
        decay_function : function
            Function that reduces learning_rate and sigma at each iteration (default: \\( 1/\\left(1+2\\frac{epoch}{epochs}\\right) \\)).


        self._m = m
        self._n = n
        self._dim = dim
        self._seed = seed
        self._dtype = dtype
        self._decay_function = decay_function




        self._learning_rate = 0.3 if learning_rate is None else dtype(learning_rate)
        self._sigma = max(m, n) / 2.0 if sigma is None else dtype(sigma)


        self._epochs = abs(int(epochs))


        self._two = tf.constant(2.00e+00, dtype = dtype)

        self._epsilon = tf.constant(1.00e-20, dtype = dtype)

        self._sqrt_two = tf.constant(1.42e+00, dtype = dtype)


        self._weights = np.empty(shape = (self._m * self._n, self._dim), dtype = self._dtype)

        self._quantization_errors = np.empty(shape = (self._epochs, ), dtype = self._dtype)
        self._topographic_errors = np.empty(shape = (self._epochs, ), dtype = self._dtype)


    def _rebuild_topography(self):

        self._topography = tf.constant(np.array(list(self._neuron_locations(self._m, self._n))))


    def _neuron_locations(m: int, n: int) -> typing.Iterator[typing.List[int]]:

        for i in range(m):

            for j in range(n):

                yield [i, j]


    def _argsort_n(x: tf.Tensor, n: int) -> tf.Tensor:

        if n > 1:
            return tf.nn.top_k(tf.negative(x), k = n).indices
            return tf.expand_dims(tf.argmin(x, axis = 1), axis = 1)


    def __find_bmus(weights: typing.Union[tf.Variable, tf.Tensor], input_vectors: tf.Tensor, n: int = 1) -> tf.Tensor:

        # COMPUTE DISTANCE SQUARES                                                                                     #

        distance_squares = tf.reduce_sum(
                    tf.expand_dims(input_vectors, axis = 1),
                    tf.expand_dims(weights, axis = 0)
            axis = 2

        # COMPUTE INDICES                                                                                              #

        return tf.transpose(SOM._argsort_n(distance_squares, n))


    def _find_bmus(self, weights: typing.Union[tf.Variable, tf.Tensor], input_vectors: tf.Tensor, n: int = 1) -> typing.List[BMUs]:

        result = []

        for bmu_indices in self.__find_bmus(weights, input_vectors, n):

            bmu_locations = tf.gather(self._topography, bmu_indices)

            result.append(BMUs(bmu_indices, bmu_locations))

        return result


    def _train(self, weights: tf.Variable, input_vectors: tf.Tensor, epoch: int) -> None:

        # BEST MATCHING UNITS                                                                                          #

        bmus = self._find_bmus(weights, input_vectors, n = 2)

        # LEARNING OPERATOR                                                                                            #

        decay_function = self._decay_function(epoch, self._epochs)

        current_learning_rate = tf.cast(self._learning_rate * decay_function, dtype = self._dtype)
        current_radius        = tf.cast(self._sigma         * decay_function, dtype = self._dtype)


        bmu_distance_squares = tf.reduce_sum(
                    tf.expand_dims(self._topography, axis = 0),
                    tf.expand_dims(bmus[0].locations, axis = 1)
            axis = 2


        neighbourhood_func = tf.exp(tf.divide(
            tf.negative(tf.cast(bmu_distance_squares, self._dtype)),
            tf.multiply(self._two, tf.square(current_radius))


        learning_rate_op = tf.multiply(neighbourhood_func, current_learning_rate)

        # WEIGHT(EPOCH + 1)                                                                                            #

        numerator = tf.reduce_sum(
                tf.expand_dims(learning_rate_op, axis = -1),
                tf.expand_dims(input_vectors, axis = +1)
            axis = 0

        denominator = tf.expand_dims(tf.reduce_sum(learning_rate_op, axis = 0), axis = -1) + self._epsilon


        weights.assign(tf.divide(numerator, denominator))

        # QUANTIZATION ERROR                                                                                           #

        self._quantization_errors[epoch] = tf.reduce_mean(
                    tf.gather(weights, bmus[0].indices)
                axis = 1
            axis = 0

        # TOPOGRAPHIC ERROR                                                                                            #

        t = tf.greater(
                    tf.cast(bmus[1].locations, dtype = self._dtype),
                    tf.cast(bmus[0].locations, dtype = self._dtype)
                axis = 1

        self._topographic_errors[epoch] = tf.divide(
            tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(t, dtype = self._dtype)),
            tf.cast(tf.shape(input_vectors)[0], dtype = self._dtype)


    def _dataset_to_generator(dataset):

        return dataset if callable(dataset) else lambda: (dataset, )


    def train(self, dataset: typing.Union[np.ndarray, typing.Callable], chunk_size: int = None, reset_weights: bool = True, show_progress_bar: bool = True) -> None:

        """Trains the neural network. A batch formulation of updating weights is implemented: $$ \\mathrm{bmu}(x)=\\underset{i}{\\mathrm{arg\\,min}}\\lVert x-w_i\\rVert $$ $$ n_j=\\sum_{x\\in\\mathcal{D}}\\left\\{\\begin{array}{ll}1&\\mathrm{bmu}(x)=j\\\\0&\\mathrm{otherwise}\\end{array}\\right. $$ $$ \\Theta_{ji}(e)=\\alpha(e)\\cdot\\exp\\left(-\\frac{\\lVert j-i\\rVert}{2\\sigma^2(e)}\\right) $$ $$ \\boxed{w_{i\\,\\mathrm{new}}=\\frac{\\sum_{j=1}^{n}n_j\\Theta_{ji}(e)x_j}{\\sum_{j=1}^{n}n_j\\Theta_{ji}(e)}} $$ where, at epoch \\( e \\), \\( \\alpha(e)=\\alpha_0\\mathrm{decay\\,function}(e) \\) is the learning rate and \\( \\sigma(e)=\\sigma_0\\mathrm{decay\\,function}(e) \\) is the neighborhood radius.

        dataset : typing.Union[numpy.ndarray, typing.Callable]
            Training dataset array or generator.
        chunk_size : int
            Chunk size or **None** to disable batch (default: **None**).
        reset_weights : bool
            Specifying whether the weights have to be reset (default: **True**).
        show_progress_bar : bool
            Specifying whether a progress bar have to be shown (default: **True**).

        .. NOTE::
            A dataset generator is a **yield** generator returning numpy arrays.

        .. NOTE::
            Setting the **reset_weights** variable to **False** allows to update a pre-trained model (= progressive training).


        weights = None


        if reset_weights and self._seed is not None:

            np.random.seed(self._seed + 0x000000000000)

            tf.random.set_seed(self._seed + 0x000000000000)


        dataset_generator = SOM._dataset_to_generator(dataset)


        for epoch in tqdm.tqdm(range(self._epochs), disable = not show_progress_bar):

            for dataset_part_number, dataset_array_np in enumerate(dataset_generator()):

                # DEFAULT CHUNK SIZE                                                                                   #

                if chunk_size is None:

                    chunk_size = dataset_array_np.shape[0]

                # INITIALIZE WEIGHTS                                                                                   #

                if epoch == 0 and dataset_part_number == 0:

                    if reset_weights:

                        rand_weights_np = np.empty(shape = (self._m * self._n, self._dim), dtype = self._dtype)

                        l1 = rand_weights_np.shape[0]
                        l2 = dataset_array_np.shape[0]

                        for i in range(l1):

                            j = np.random.randint(l2)

                            rand_weights_np[i] = dataset_array_np[j]

                        weights = tf.Variable(rand_weights_np, dtype = self._dtype)


                        weights = tf.Variable(self._weights, dtype = self._dtype)

                # TRAIN THE SELF ORGANIZING MAP                                                                        #

                dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(tf.constant(dataset_array_np, dtype = self._dtype))

                for chunk in dataset.shuffle(dataset_array_np.shape[0]).batch(chunk_size):

                    self._train(weights, chunk, epoch)


        self._weights = weights.numpy()


    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    def save(self, filename: str, file_format: str = 'fits', extra: typing.Dict[str, np.ndarray] = None) -> None:

        """Saves the trained neural network to a file.

        filename : str
        file_format : str
            File format (supported formats: (fits, hdf5), default: fits).
        extra : dict
            Dictionary of extra (name, array) entries.

        if extra is None:

            extra = {}

        # FITS FORMAT                                                                                                  #

        if file_format == 'fits':

            from astropy.io import fits

            hdu0 = fits.PrimaryHDU()

            hdu1 = fits.ImageHDU(data = self.get_centroids())

            hdu2 = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(fits.ColDefs([
                fits.Column(name = 'quantization_errors', format = 'D', array = self._quantization_errors),
                fits.Column(name = 'topographic_errors', format = 'D', array = self._topographic_errors),

            hdu0.header['lrate'] = self._learning_rate
            hdu0.header['sigma'] = self._sigma
            hdu2.header['epochs'] = self._epochs

            fits.HDUList([hdu0, hdu1, hdu2] + [fits.ImageHDU(name = name, data = data) for name, data in extra.items()]).writeto(filename, overwrite = True)

        # HDF5 FORMAT                                                                                                  #

        elif file_format == 'hdf5':

            import h5py

            with h5py.File(filename, 'w') as file:

                file.attrs['lrate'] = self._learning_rate
                file.attrs['sigma'] = self._sigma
                file.attrs['epochs'] = self._epochs

                file.create_dataset('weights', data = self.get_centroids())
                file.create_dataset('quantization_errors', data = self._quantization_errors)
                file.create_dataset('topographic_errors', data = self._topographic_errors)

                for name, data in extra.items():

                    file.create_dataset(name, data = data)



            raise ValueError('invalid format `{}` (fits, hdf5)'.format(file_format))


    def load(self, filename: str, file_format: str = 'fits') -> None:

        """Loads the trained neural network from a file.

        filename : str
        file_format : str
            File format (supported formats: (fits, hdf5), default: fits).

        # FITS FORMAT                                                                                                  #

        if file_format == 'fits':

            from astropy.io import fits

            with fits.open(filename) as hdus:

                self._m, self._n, self._dim = hdus[1].data.shape

                self._learning_rate = hdus[0].header['lrate']
                self._sigma = hdus[0].header['sigma']
                self._epochs = hdus[2].header['epochs']

                self._weights = hdus[1].data.reshape((self._m * self._n, self._dim)).astype(self._dtype)
                self._quantization_errors = hdus[2].data['quantization_errors'].astype(self._dtype)
                self._topographic_errors = hdus[2].data['topographic_errors'].astype(self._dtype)

        # HDF5 FORMAT                                                                                                  #

        elif file_format == 'hdf5':

            import h5py

            with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as file:

                self._m, self._n, self._dim = file['weights'].shape

                self._learning_rate = file.attrs['lrate']
                self._sigma = file.attrs['sigma']
                self._epochs = file.attrs['epochs']

                self._weights = np.array(file['weights']).reshape((self._m * self._n, self._dim)).astype(self._dtype)
                self._quantization_errors = np.array(file['quantization_errors']).astype(self._dtype)
                self._topographic_errors = np.array(file['topographic_errors']).astype(self._dtype)



            raise ValueError('invalid format `{}` (fits, hdf5)'.format(file_format))




    def distance_map(self) -> np.ndarray:

        """Returns the distance map of the neural network weights."""


        centroids = self.get_centroids()


        result = np.full(shape = (centroids.shape[0], centroids.shape[1], 8), fill_value = np.nan, dtype = self._dtype)

        ii = 2 * [[0, -1, -1, -1, 0, +1, +1, +1]]
        jj = 2 * [[-1, -1, 0, +1, +1, +1, 0, -1]]

        for x in range(centroids.shape[0]):

            for y in range(centroids.shape[1]):

                w_2 = centroids[x, y]

                e = y % 2 == 0

                for k, (i, j) in enumerate(zip(ii[e], jj[e])):

                    if 0 <= x + i < centroids.shape[0]\
                       and                            \
                       0 <= y + j < centroids.shape[1]:

                        diff_w_2_w_1 = w_2 - centroids[x + i, y + j]

                        result[x, y, k] = np.sqrt(np.dot(diff_w_2_w_1, diff_w_2_w_1.T))

        result = np.nansum(result, axis = 2)

        return result / result.max()


    def get_weights(self) -> np.ndarray:

        """Returns the neural network weights (shape = [m * n, dim])."""

        return self._weights.reshape((self._m * self._n, self._dim))


    def get_centroids(self) -> np.ndarray:

        """Returns of the neural network weights (shape = [m, n, dim])."""

        return self._weights.reshape((self._m, self._n, self._dim))


    def get_quantization_errors(self) -> np.ndarray:

        """Returns the quantization errors (one value per epoch). $$ c_1=\\mathrm{1^\\mathrm{st}\\,bmu}=\\underset{i}{\\mathrm{arg\\,min}_1}\\lVert x-w_i\\rVert $$ $$ \\boxed{e_Q=\\frac{1}{\\mathcal{D}}\\sum_{x\\in\\mathcal{D}}\\lVert x-w_{c_1}\\rVert^2} $$"""

        return self._quantization_errors


    def get_topographic_errors(self) -> np.ndarray:

        """Returns the topographic errors (one value per epoch). $$ c_n=\\mathrm{n^\\mathrm{th}\\,bmu}=\\underset{i}{\\mathrm{arg\\,min}_n}\\lVert x-w_i\\rVert $$ $$ t(x)=\\left\\{\\begin{array}{ll}1&\\lVert c_1-c_2\\rVert>\\sqrt{2}\\\\0&\\mathrm{otherwise}\\end{array}\\right. $$ $$ \\boxed{e_t=\\frac{1}{\\mathcal{D}}\\sum_{x\\in\\mathcal{D}}t(x)} $$"""

        return self._topographic_errors


    def winners(self, dataset_array: np.ndarray, chunk_size: int = None, locations: bool = False, show_progress_bar: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:

        """Returns a vector of best matching unit indices or locations for the given input.

        dataset_array : numpy.ndarray
            Dataset array.
        chunk_size : int
            Chunk size or **None** to disable batch (default: **None**).
        locations : bool
            Get winner locations instead of indices (default: **False**).
        show_progress_bar : bool
            Specifying whether a progress bar have to be shown (default: **False**).


        if chunk_size is None:

            chunk_size = dataset_array.shape[0]


        weights = tf.constant(self._weights, dtype = self._dtype)


        i = 0

        if locations:

            result = np.empty((dataset_array.shape[0], 2), dtype = np.int64)

            for chunk in tqdm.tqdm(tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(tf.constant(dataset_array, dtype = self._dtype)).batch(chunk_size), disable = not show_progress_bar):

                result[(i + 0) * chunk_size: (i + 1) * chunk_size] = tf.gather(self._topography, self.__find_bmus(weights, chunk, 1)[0])

                i += 1


            result = np.empty((dataset_array.shape[0], ), dtype = np.int64)

            for chunk in tqdm.tqdm(tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(tf.constant(dataset_array, dtype = self._dtype)).batch(chunk_size), disable = not show_progress_bar):

                result[(i + 0) * chunk_size: (i + 1) * chunk_size] = self.__find_bmus(weights, chunk, 1)[0]

                i += 1


        return result


    def activation_map(self, dataset: typing.Union[np.ndarray, typing.Callable], chunk_size: int = None, show_progress_bar: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:

        """Returns a matrix containing the number of times the neuron (i, j) have been winner for the given input.

        dataset : typing.Union[numpy.ndarray, typing.Callable]
            Dataset array or generator.
        chunk_size : int
            Chunk size or **None** to disable batch (default: **None**).
        show_progress_bar : bool
            Specifying whether a progress bar have to be shown (default: **False**).

        .. NOTE::
            A dataset generator is a **yield** generator returning numpy arrays.


        dataset_generator = SOM._dataset_to_generator(dataset)

        weights = tf.constant(self._weights, dtype = self._dtype)

        result = np.zeros(shape = (self._m * self._n), dtype = np.int64)


        for dataset_part, dataset_array_np in enumerate(dataset_generator()):


            if chunk_size is None:

                chunk_size = dataset_array_np.shape[0]


            for chunk in tqdm.tqdm(tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(tf.constant(dataset_array_np, dtype = self._dtype)).batch(chunk_size), disable = not show_progress_bar):

                for bmu_index in self.__find_bmus(weights, chunk, n = 1)[0]:

                    result[bmu_index] += 1


        return result.reshape(self._m, self._n)


def train(self, dataset: Union[numpy.ndarray, Callable], chunk_size: int = None, reset_weights: bool = True, show_progress_bar: bool = True) ‑> None

Trains the neural network. A batch formulation of updating weights is implemented: \mathrm{bmu}(x)=\underset{i}{\mathrm{arg\,min}}\lVert x-w_i\rVertn_j=\sum_{x\in\mathcal{D}}\left\{\begin{array}{ll}1&\mathrm{bmu}(x)=j\\0&\mathrm{otherwise}\end{array}\right.\Theta_{ji}(e)=\alpha(e)\cdot\exp\left(-\frac{\lVert j-i\rVert}{2\sigma^2(e)}\right)\boxed{w_{i\,\mathrm{new}}=\frac{\sum_{j=1}^{n}n_j\Theta_{ji}(e)x_j}{\sum_{j=1}^{n}n_j\Theta_{ji}(e)}}where, at epoch e, \alpha(e)=\alpha_0\mathrm{decay\,function}(e)is the learning rate and \sigma(e)=\sigma_0\mathrm{decay\,function}(e)is the neighborhood radius.


dataset : typing.Union[numpy.ndarray, typing.Callable]
Training dataset array or generator.
chunk_size : int
Chunk size or None to disable batch (default: None).
reset_weights : bool
Specifying whether the weights have to be reset (default: True).
show_progress_bar : bool
Specifying whether a progress bar have to be shown (default: True).


A dataset generator is a yield generator returning numpy arrays.


Setting the reset_weights variable to False allows to update a pre-trained model (= progressive training).

Expand source code
def train(self, dataset: typing.Union[np.ndarray, typing.Callable], chunk_size: int = None, reset_weights: bool = True, show_progress_bar: bool = True) -> None:

    """Trains the neural network. A batch formulation of updating weights is implemented: $$ \\mathrm{bmu}(x)=\\underset{i}{\\mathrm{arg\\,min}}\\lVert x-w_i\\rVert $$ $$ n_j=\\sum_{x\\in\\mathcal{D}}\\left\\{\\begin{array}{ll}1&\\mathrm{bmu}(x)=j\\\\0&\\mathrm{otherwise}\\end{array}\\right. $$ $$ \\Theta_{ji}(e)=\\alpha(e)\\cdot\\exp\\left(-\\frac{\\lVert j-i\\rVert}{2\\sigma^2(e)}\\right) $$ $$ \\boxed{w_{i\\,\\mathrm{new}}=\\frac{\\sum_{j=1}^{n}n_j\\Theta_{ji}(e)x_j}{\\sum_{j=1}^{n}n_j\\Theta_{ji}(e)}} $$ where, at epoch \\( e \\), \\( \\alpha(e)=\\alpha_0\\mathrm{decay\\,function}(e) \\) is the learning rate and \\( \\sigma(e)=\\sigma_0\\mathrm{decay\\,function}(e) \\) is the neighborhood radius.

    dataset : typing.Union[numpy.ndarray, typing.Callable]
        Training dataset array or generator.
    chunk_size : int
        Chunk size or **None** to disable batch (default: **None**).
    reset_weights : bool
        Specifying whether the weights have to be reset (default: **True**).
    show_progress_bar : bool
        Specifying whether a progress bar have to be shown (default: **True**).

    .. NOTE::
        A dataset generator is a **yield** generator returning numpy arrays.

    .. NOTE::
        Setting the **reset_weights** variable to **False** allows to update a pre-trained model (= progressive training).


    weights = None


    if reset_weights and self._seed is not None:

        np.random.seed(self._seed + 0x000000000000)

        tf.random.set_seed(self._seed + 0x000000000000)


    dataset_generator = SOM._dataset_to_generator(dataset)


    for epoch in tqdm.tqdm(range(self._epochs), disable = not show_progress_bar):

        for dataset_part_number, dataset_array_np in enumerate(dataset_generator()):

            # DEFAULT CHUNK SIZE                                                                                   #

            if chunk_size is None:

                chunk_size = dataset_array_np.shape[0]

            # INITIALIZE WEIGHTS                                                                                   #

            if epoch == 0 and dataset_part_number == 0:

                if reset_weights:

                    rand_weights_np = np.empty(shape = (self._m * self._n, self._dim), dtype = self._dtype)

                    l1 = rand_weights_np.shape[0]
                    l2 = dataset_array_np.shape[0]

                    for i in range(l1):

                        j = np.random.randint(l2)

                        rand_weights_np[i] = dataset_array_np[j]

                    weights = tf.Variable(rand_weights_np, dtype = self._dtype)


                    weights = tf.Variable(self._weights, dtype = self._dtype)

            # TRAIN THE SELF ORGANIZING MAP                                                                        #

            dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(tf.constant(dataset_array_np, dtype = self._dtype))

            for chunk in dataset.shuffle(dataset_array_np.shape[0]).batch(chunk_size):

                self._train(weights, chunk, epoch)


    self._weights = weights.numpy()
def save(self, filename: str, file_format: str = 'fits', extra: Dict[str, numpy.ndarray] = None) ‑> None

Saves the trained neural network to a file.


filename : str
file_format : str
File format (supported formats: (fits, hdf5), default: fits).
extra : dict
Dictionary of extra (name, array) entries.
Expand source code
def save(self, filename: str, file_format: str = 'fits', extra: typing.Dict[str, np.ndarray] = None) -> None:

    """Saves the trained neural network to a file.

    filename : str
    file_format : str
        File format (supported formats: (fits, hdf5), default: fits).
    extra : dict
        Dictionary of extra (name, array) entries.

    if extra is None:

        extra = {}

    # FITS FORMAT                                                                                                  #

    if file_format == 'fits':

        from astropy.io import fits

        hdu0 = fits.PrimaryHDU()

        hdu1 = fits.ImageHDU(data = self.get_centroids())

        hdu2 = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(fits.ColDefs([
            fits.Column(name = 'quantization_errors', format = 'D', array = self._quantization_errors),
            fits.Column(name = 'topographic_errors', format = 'D', array = self._topographic_errors),

        hdu0.header['lrate'] = self._learning_rate
        hdu0.header['sigma'] = self._sigma
        hdu2.header['epochs'] = self._epochs

        fits.HDUList([hdu0, hdu1, hdu2] + [fits.ImageHDU(name = name, data = data) for name, data in extra.items()]).writeto(filename, overwrite = True)

    # HDF5 FORMAT                                                                                                  #

    elif file_format == 'hdf5':

        import h5py

        with h5py.File(filename, 'w') as file:

            file.attrs['lrate'] = self._learning_rate
            file.attrs['sigma'] = self._sigma
            file.attrs['epochs'] = self._epochs

            file.create_dataset('weights', data = self.get_centroids())
            file.create_dataset('quantization_errors', data = self._quantization_errors)
            file.create_dataset('topographic_errors', data = self._topographic_errors)

            for name, data in extra.items():

                file.create_dataset(name, data = data)



        raise ValueError('invalid format `{}` (fits, hdf5)'.format(file_format))
def load(self, filename: str, file_format: str = 'fits') ‑> None

Loads the trained neural network from a file.


filename : str
file_format : str
File format (supported formats: (fits, hdf5), default: fits).
Expand source code
def load(self, filename: str, file_format: str = 'fits') -> None:

    """Loads the trained neural network from a file.

    filename : str
    file_format : str
        File format (supported formats: (fits, hdf5), default: fits).

    # FITS FORMAT                                                                                                  #

    if file_format == 'fits':

        from astropy.io import fits

        with fits.open(filename) as hdus:

            self._m, self._n, self._dim = hdus[1].data.shape

            self._learning_rate = hdus[0].header['lrate']
            self._sigma = hdus[0].header['sigma']
            self._epochs = hdus[2].header['epochs']

            self._weights = hdus[1].data.reshape((self._m * self._n, self._dim)).astype(self._dtype)
            self._quantization_errors = hdus[2].data['quantization_errors'].astype(self._dtype)
            self._topographic_errors = hdus[2].data['topographic_errors'].astype(self._dtype)

    # HDF5 FORMAT                                                                                                  #

    elif file_format == 'hdf5':

        import h5py

        with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as file:

            self._m, self._n, self._dim = file['weights'].shape

            self._learning_rate = file.attrs['lrate']
            self._sigma = file.attrs['sigma']
            self._epochs = file.attrs['epochs']

            self._weights = np.array(file['weights']).reshape((self._m * self._n, self._dim)).astype(self._dtype)
            self._quantization_errors = np.array(file['quantization_errors']).astype(self._dtype)
            self._topographic_errors = np.array(file['topographic_errors']).astype(self._dtype)



        raise ValueError('invalid format `{}` (fits, hdf5)'.format(file_format))


def distance_map(self) ‑> numpy.ndarray

Returns the distance map of the neural network weights.

Expand source code
def distance_map(self) -> np.ndarray:

    """Returns the distance map of the neural network weights."""


    centroids = self.get_centroids()


    result = np.full(shape = (centroids.shape[0], centroids.shape[1], 8), fill_value = np.nan, dtype = self._dtype)

    ii = 2 * [[0, -1, -1, -1, 0, +1, +1, +1]]
    jj = 2 * [[-1, -1, 0, +1, +1, +1, 0, -1]]

    for x in range(centroids.shape[0]):

        for y in range(centroids.shape[1]):

            w_2 = centroids[x, y]

            e = y % 2 == 0

            for k, (i, j) in enumerate(zip(ii[e], jj[e])):

                if 0 <= x + i < centroids.shape[0]\
                   and                            \
                   0 <= y + j < centroids.shape[1]:

                    diff_w_2_w_1 = w_2 - centroids[x + i, y + j]

                    result[x, y, k] = np.sqrt(np.dot(diff_w_2_w_1, diff_w_2_w_1.T))

    result = np.nansum(result, axis = 2)

    return result / result.max()
def get_weights(self) ‑> numpy.ndarray

Returns the neural network weights (shape = [m * n, dim]).

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def get_weights(self) -> np.ndarray:

    """Returns the neural network weights (shape = [m * n, dim])."""

    return self._weights.reshape((self._m * self._n, self._dim))
def get_centroids(self) ‑> numpy.ndarray

Returns of the neural network weights (shape = [m, n, dim]).

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def get_centroids(self) -> np.ndarray:

    """Returns of the neural network weights (shape = [m, n, dim])."""

    return self._weights.reshape((self._m, self._n, self._dim))
def get_quantization_errors(self) ‑> numpy.ndarray

Returns the quantization errors (one value per epoch). c_1=\mathrm{1^\mathrm{st}\,bmu}=\underset{i}{\mathrm{arg\,min}_1}\lVert x-w_i\rVert\boxed{e_Q=\frac{1}{\mathcal{D}}\sum_{x\in\mathcal{D}}\lVert x-w_{c_1}\rVert^2}

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def get_quantization_errors(self) -> np.ndarray:

    """Returns the quantization errors (one value per epoch). $$ c_1=\\mathrm{1^\\mathrm{st}\\,bmu}=\\underset{i}{\\mathrm{arg\\,min}_1}\\lVert x-w_i\\rVert $$ $$ \\boxed{e_Q=\\frac{1}{\\mathcal{D}}\\sum_{x\\in\\mathcal{D}}\\lVert x-w_{c_1}\\rVert^2} $$"""

    return self._quantization_errors
def get_topographic_errors(self) ‑> numpy.ndarray

Returns the topographic errors (one value per epoch). c_n=\mathrm{n^\mathrm{th}\,bmu}=\underset{i}{\mathrm{arg\,min}_n}\lVert x-w_i\rVertt(x)=\left\{\begin{array}{ll}1&\lVert c_1-c_2\rVert>\sqrt{2}\\0&\mathrm{otherwise}\end{array}\right.\boxed{e_t=\frac{1}{\mathcal{D}}\sum_{x\in\mathcal{D}}t(x)}

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def get_topographic_errors(self) -> np.ndarray:

    """Returns the topographic errors (one value per epoch). $$ c_n=\\mathrm{n^\\mathrm{th}\\,bmu}=\\underset{i}{\\mathrm{arg\\,min}_n}\\lVert x-w_i\\rVert $$ $$ t(x)=\\left\\{\\begin{array}{ll}1&\\lVert c_1-c_2\\rVert>\\sqrt{2}\\\\0&\\mathrm{otherwise}\\end{array}\\right. $$ $$ \\boxed{e_t=\\frac{1}{\\mathcal{D}}\\sum_{x\\in\\mathcal{D}}t(x)} $$"""

    return self._topographic_errors
def winners(self, dataset_array: numpy.ndarray, chunk_size: int = None, locations: bool = False, show_progress_bar: bool = False) ‑> numpy.ndarray

Returns a vector of best matching unit indices or locations for the given input.


dataset_array : numpy.ndarray
Dataset array.
chunk_size : int
Chunk size or None to disable batch (default: None).
locations : bool
Get winner locations instead of indices (default: False).
show_progress_bar : bool
Specifying whether a progress bar have to be shown (default: False).
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def winners(self, dataset_array: np.ndarray, chunk_size: int = None, locations: bool = False, show_progress_bar: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:

    """Returns a vector of best matching unit indices or locations for the given input.

    dataset_array : numpy.ndarray
        Dataset array.
    chunk_size : int
        Chunk size or **None** to disable batch (default: **None**).
    locations : bool
        Get winner locations instead of indices (default: **False**).
    show_progress_bar : bool
        Specifying whether a progress bar have to be shown (default: **False**).


    if chunk_size is None:

        chunk_size = dataset_array.shape[0]


    weights = tf.constant(self._weights, dtype = self._dtype)


    i = 0

    if locations:

        result = np.empty((dataset_array.shape[0], 2), dtype = np.int64)

        for chunk in tqdm.tqdm(tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(tf.constant(dataset_array, dtype = self._dtype)).batch(chunk_size), disable = not show_progress_bar):

            result[(i + 0) * chunk_size: (i + 1) * chunk_size] = tf.gather(self._topography, self.__find_bmus(weights, chunk, 1)[0])

            i += 1


        result = np.empty((dataset_array.shape[0], ), dtype = np.int64)

        for chunk in tqdm.tqdm(tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(tf.constant(dataset_array, dtype = self._dtype)).batch(chunk_size), disable = not show_progress_bar):

            result[(i + 0) * chunk_size: (i + 1) * chunk_size] = self.__find_bmus(weights, chunk, 1)[0]

            i += 1


    return result
def activation_map(self, dataset: Union[numpy.ndarray, Callable], chunk_size: int = None, show_progress_bar: bool = False) ‑> numpy.ndarray

Returns a matrix containing the number of times the neuron (i, j) have been winner for the given input.


dataset : typing.Union[numpy.ndarray, typing.Callable]
Dataset array or generator.
chunk_size : int
Chunk size or None to disable batch (default: None).
show_progress_bar : bool
Specifying whether a progress bar have to be shown (default: False).


A dataset generator is a yield generator returning numpy arrays.

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def activation_map(self, dataset: typing.Union[np.ndarray, typing.Callable], chunk_size: int = None, show_progress_bar: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:

    """Returns a matrix containing the number of times the neuron (i, j) have been winner for the given input.

    dataset : typing.Union[numpy.ndarray, typing.Callable]
        Dataset array or generator.
    chunk_size : int
        Chunk size or **None** to disable batch (default: **None**).
    show_progress_bar : bool
        Specifying whether a progress bar have to be shown (default: **False**).

    .. NOTE::
        A dataset generator is a **yield** generator returning numpy arrays.


    dataset_generator = SOM._dataset_to_generator(dataset)

    weights = tf.constant(self._weights, dtype = self._dtype)

    result = np.zeros(shape = (self._m * self._n), dtype = np.int64)


    for dataset_part, dataset_array_np in enumerate(dataset_generator()):


        if chunk_size is None:

            chunk_size = dataset_array_np.shape[0]


        for chunk in tqdm.tqdm(tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(tf.constant(dataset_array_np, dtype = self._dtype)).batch(chunk_size), disable = not show_progress_bar):

            for bmu_index in self.__find_bmus(weights, chunk, n = 1)[0]:

                result[bmu_index] += 1


    return result.reshape(self._m, self._n)